4 Common Issues People Have with Tap Water

Many people don’t even consider whether tap water is safe in their home. Most consider their water potable, meaning it meets all federal standards for drinking water. However, you can face some common issues with tap water in your home. Some are minor, but others may affect how much water you consume. Let’s take a look at the four most common tap water issues.

Top 4 Water Issues 

Sources of water issues can vary. If your home has plumbing issues, damaged appliances, broken pipes, or leaky faucets, you definitely have some issues. However, these are all fixable, so they are not the most concerning water issues you may deal with in your home.


1. Poor Water Quality

If you notice that your tap water either smells or tastes bad, you may have poor water quality. Even people using a private well may have poor water quality. City systems are no guarantee that your water will be of the highest quality.


2. Water That Tastes Bad

Bad-tasting water is one of the most common water problems. Some can taste chlorine used to treat city water. A build-up of minerals or sediment can also cause a bad taste. When your water tastes bad, it doesn’t encourage your family to drink or use tap water.


3. Unpleasant Smelling Water

A bad smell coming from your tap water usually means there is a problem with your water quality. If you notice an odor that smells like a rotten egg, you may have too much hydrogen sulfide in your water. If it is consumed for long periods of time, it can lead to some serious health problems.


4. Contaminants in the Water

Many regions have problems with some specific contaminants in their drinking water. Some of the most common pollutants that can affect water quality in your home include:

  • Lead. Fortunately, lead contamination has been mostly eliminated from drinking water supplies in the US. But for some older homes, lead piping and solder still present issues. If your home has old plumbing or appliances that have lead components, it can cause serious health issues eventually.
  • Hard Water. Many areas have hard water, which means it has high concentrations of magnesium and calcium. This can lead to issues such as clogged pipes, spotting on dishes, and soap that doesn’t lather.
  • Iron. If you have iron in your home’s water, you may notice rust-colored or yellow stains on your tubs and sinks. Your water may also have a metallic taste.  

  • Bottled Water: An Environmental Issue

    Many households have turned to bottled water because of these and other common tap water issues. The biggest problem with using bottled water is the environmental impact. It can take as long as 450 years for a plastic bottle to degrade. Fortunately, there are many choices to recycle them after use, but many still wind up in landfills. Additionally, it takes natural resources to produce plastic bottles.

    Choose the Better Waters Home Filtration System 

    If you are worried about the safety of your home’s tap water, or you don’t like the way it tastes or smells, you have options. Better Waters provides a high-performance filtration system so you get pure, clean water right from your tap. You can get bottled water quality without compromising the environment or your pocketbook. We provide water filtration solutions that remedy bad-tasting, bad-smelling, and poor-quality tap water issues in your home. 

    Reach out to Better Waters today to learn more about filter technology or water quality!

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