Program Summary
For owners who have ordered Omicron fine particle filtration of domestic water at their projects, we are pleased to offer revenue-sharing options to enable XL7000 drinking water filtration in every resident’s kitchen.
About the XL7000
The XL7000 meets building design criteria of both the International Well Building Institute (IWBI) and the US Green Building Council (USGBC). When used downstream of Omicron 10, owners qualify for a LEED Innovation in Design credit (CSv2.0 IDc1).
Which makes sense, because the XL7000 resolves two imperatives that sometimes are in conflict:
1. Wellness: Let’s increase access to true “bottled-quality” drinking water, for pennies a gallon.
2. Sustainability: Let’s reduce the amount of plastic waste polluting the planet.
It’s not only the volume of plastic flowing into the earth’s waste stream and oceans. In New York City, for example, every bottle of water must be trucked in, increasing traffic congestion and reducing air quality and productivity. Additionally, increasing media coverage of microplastics found in bottled water has resulted in more and more consumers uneasy about relying on it.
The XL7000 consists of two separate components: one head assembly, and one cartridge that is inserted, locked into and then suspended from the head.
For new construction projects using Omicron 10 at the main:
We offer to provide one head assembly at no cost for each residential unit, to be installed inside the kitchen cabinet at the cold water supply. The head has a built-in shutoff valve, which is kept in an open position by means of a small bypass plug that allows cold tap water to flow unimpeded -- unless and until the resident elects to activate the system by replacing the plug with an XL7000 cartridge.
It takes all of a minute, no tools required, to remove the plug and insert the cartridge. The benefit to residents is that most of the cost of a new system and installation has been provided to them in advance. By allowing residents to choose whether to activate their system, there is no implied obligation for the owner to provide the initial and/or replacement cartridges in the future.
XL7000 Performance Summary
- It resolves all water quality factors separating NYC tap water from bottled.
- At 0.2 micron, it is fine enough to stop bacteria.
- A single cartridge is NSF-certified for 6000 gallons longevity.
Below is a summary of water analyses conducted by National Testing Labs before / after XL7000 filtration at a building in midtown Manhattan:
Contaminant |
Level in tap water | After XL7000 filtration |
Copper | 0.132 mg/L | none |
Iron | 0.028 mg/L | none |
Manganese | 0.010 mg/L | none |
Zinc | 0.005 mg/L | none |
Turbidity | 0.7 NTU* | none |
Bromodichloromethane (THM) | 0.005 mg/L | none |
Chloroform (THM) | 0.036 mg/L | none |
* Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) is a measure of water clarity.
Here are three ways owners can participate in filtered is better:

- Provide residents complete systems, i.e. heads and cartridges, as a welcome gift that shows your commitment to healthy and sustainable living.
- Provide the head + bypass plug only, and order cartridges from us in bulk to inventory at your building. We effectively wholesale to you, and you can then sell these to residents at a margin you determine.
- Provide the head + bypass plug only, and advise residents they have an option to activate their system by purchasing a cartridge on our website. By entering a code we provide, they will have an opportunity to purchase their XL7000 cartridges at a substantial discount.
Going forward, residents may order replacement cartridges on their own schedule. For example, a household with two adults and three kids will consume more water than an individual who travels six months a year. They can purchase replacement cartridges from us or from your building inventory.
In any instance, we will share profits with you according to a simple schedule. Since it’s easier for us to supply your building in bulk, we can effectively share more margin by this method than by customers ordering from us individually. We recognize there are good reasons for either approach, thus we leave to building ownership to decide.
We also welcome your input for a customized program to better suit your needs.
Regardless of which alternative is selected, in New Construction applications it is important to maintain separation of the head assembly from the cartridge during the install period, as there will be a significant gap in time between kitchen construction and occupancy. If the cartridge is inserted at the time of construction, the plumber might “test it out”, after which the cartridge remains wet but unused for months. That’s a practice we strongly discourage. New residents will appreciate receiving a new, sterile, unused cartridge at the time they first occupy their residence.
The head assemblies are “keyed” only to accept genuine XL7000 cartridges manufactured by 3M. Residents who purchase XL7000 cartridges through filtered is better receive trade-level discounts.
Go to individual unit pricing for the XL7000 (without filtered is better discounts).
To get started participating in filtered is better or for more information, click here.